As it was for all New Yorkers, my life changed on that day. Leigh was downtown coming up from the subway at Union Square that morning. Everyone was in disbelief. Of course it was just a terrible accident.
But it wasn't...and for weeks after that day I felt almost constant fear. The stink of smoke, false-alarms of new attacks and death put New York City in chaos. We were alive, but so many including a neighbor, a friend’s sister and many work associates were not.
Our city was forever altered that day, as was our country. And I was changed. too.We didn’t make the decision to move to Tucson on September 11, 2001. But because of that day we turned to a new chapter in our lives. Some things like sunsets and family are just more important.
I've posted this before but on this somber anniversary I'd like to repost this photograph I took of Leigh in the early 1970s, with Manhattan and the World Trade Center in the background. Life was so simple then, so much wonder ahead of us.

Although I am not a negative person, I know that evil is always there around the next corner. It takes each of us, in our own way, working against it, contributing good to knock down the bad. We all have the power to influence a future of good. Please join me in that timeless quest. Blessings to all.
Yes, you have to remain positive, work to create good in the world and hug the ones you love extra tight.
And we need to continue to have faith that good will overcome the obstacles and sorrows. This reminds me of your ofrenda and tribute to your dad at Tohono Chul Park, and what you said about prayer. Oh my, were we all praying on September 11, 2001. In times of such anguish prayer is where we turn. When we are afraid we seek protection and the strength, as you say, to face what is beyond. I try to "pray" all the time - to bless good times and bad. Somehow there is a reason for it all.
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