Friday, October 10, 2008

Breathing Deeply

Yesterday we took a trip to the open western space we love, past Mt.Fagan to the Empire Mountains and the tiny towns of Sonoita and Patagonia. We were getting away from the endless negative news from Wall Street, the disheartening political jabbing and intense computer time (although thankfully the computer time is due to some interesting assignments).

Our drive is fresh air for the soul, a fortification of spirit. The desert winds energize us, the fragrances of salvia stimulate senses, the bright skies warm and comfort me.

I travel with my friend and partner of so many years. I smile knowing how many hurdles and bounces we have seen together. And we have weathered all. So even these days of torn investments will mend.

I look out to the mountains, across Wyeth-like landscapes dotted by cattle and magnificent agave. Both of us have our cameras and our thoughts. I think of good things:
  • My family, first and foremost. We share legacy and priceless love.

  • Our son, a strong, intelligent young man with great heart and vision for himself, humanity and earth. He is in a good place with his partner and his career. I bless two young people and pray their journey ahead is a happy one, worthy of their commitment.

  • Two friends who will marry this weekend. Jennifer and Darrell formalize an already strong partnership. They enter this celebration in tumultuous times, for sure, but as I did for my son I bless their happy road ahead, ensured because they share respect and true friendship.

  • Election Day. Despite ugly insults spewing from both sides, I look forward to our day of democracy. I sense the choice already is made and I am happy we are passing the baton to a new generation. I wish for them the exhilaration of rebuilding, alongside a leader of their choice. I will happily do my part, but I firmly believe it's time for the next generation to strongly influence the choices made for a brighter future.

  • My desert home. Yes, it is my home now. I gain peace from the awesome display of this most powerful nature around me. How could I not feel protected in this place? I see waves of hills in the distance. Thousands, rolling on and on. The strength in that vista, with its endless horizon, gives me inspiration to carry on.

Our day in Santa Cruz County rocks us with a rhythm that diverts our uneasy breathing. We laugh, photograph, eat calzones and soup at Velvet Elvis, meet an artist who offers us macaroons and friendly conversation. We smile and laugh more. We look out into the landscape and ask this powerful sunshine to make its way across the country, into the darkest corners of a toxic economy, to help refashion us and put us back on track. Slowly, we breathe deeply again.


Leigh said...

Thanks friend.

Unknown said...

Socks & sandals is classic Leigh Spigelman! Or is it...?

Either way it's great.

kathyhales said...

Monica, you have such a beautiful way with words. This was a fantastic post!