Thursday, January 8, 2009

Food, glorious (local) food

Nothing like sitting down at a bountiful table with family or friends to get a comforting sense of community. Something about food that encourages a happiness, a well-being. Wall Street can take its tumbles but if Leigh and I toast the sunset with a glass of (wine, tea, margarita, beer, whatever) and share a pasta, well, everything will be OK.

I'm Italian. I guess that's a good excuse to make food a focal point in my life. But lately sustainability issues and threats to regional, native traditions have given my food focus new urgency. And a spin toward local.

So I blogged about "locavore" on the Baby Boomer Knowledge Center site. There are dimensions to this story that go beyond just good eats. I'll be writing a follow up, so if you are involved with the local food movement and want your link mentioned in the upcoming story, please let me know. Click here to read about Locavore. Thanks. Pix of me taken by bro Steve via his iPhone during Christmas. I'm smiling because I just had two slices of cheesecake.

1 comment:

Wil Fernandez said...

Looks like I need to keep an eye on your local food commentary prior to my arrival in Tucson. Looking for the best of the best Tucson restaurants...